Sunday, November 25, 2012

Creativity Matters and What We Can Do About It

Yesterday, Eric Sheninger posted a blog entitled Creativity and Why it Matters. The Adobe Education study suggests creative thinking should be made a higher priority  in education. Based on a survey of 1,000 college-educated adults, 85% agree creative thinking is critical for problem solving in their careers.

Some other survey findings:
  • 82% wish they had more exposure to creative thinking as students
  • 91% agree that there is more to success in school than focusing on course material
  • 71% say creative thinking should be taught as a stand-alone class

In my 20 years as an educator, I can honestly say I’ve seen a deterioration of higher-level skills or creative thinking. While standardized tests don’t deserve all of the blame, it’s not purely coincidental that the increase in standardization correlates with decreased creativity.

I know standardized tests are here to stay—and that’s not necessarily a bad thing—so what can be done to expose more students to creative thinking?
  • We must recognize that standards are just a framework and we must not limit our teachings because of them.
  • Creativity should be taught in all classes
  • When possible adopt project-based learning
  • Limit lectures and talking to the students
  • Increase student accessibility to fine art and career-technical education classes
  • Ask questions that don’t have answers 
  • Embrace 21st-century skills

What should we do to increase creative thinking? 

In addition to the study's press release Adobe released an infographic summarizing the study's findings.  


  1. I agree completely. We did a panel last Thursday night, and gave educators and parents the chance to change one thing in education. 80% said creativity and working together to solving problems needs to be addressed. While I don't completely blame high stakes testing...if we eliminated testing every year, it would address the problem immediately. I believe that! Where are you Arne Duncan? Do it now!!

  2. Hi Reed,
    I agree that we have to find creativity in our current accountability system. It's easier to do in some states. Others, like NY, seem to be pushing more and more accountability which knocks teachers and administrator out of balance from time to time.
    The good news is that many teachers are doing the things you least the ones I observe. There are still educators who stick to the plan book and do not step out of their comfort zone. They should at least try one of the ideas you suggested.
    Great blog. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Without any second thought that is true no matter what you do creativity should be the first priority. Whether it is school work or you are working with a reputable organization make sure to check the smallest thing which can be neglected sometimes and cause big trouble. Usually, students make these mistakes when they do Write my CIPD assignment or any their academic projects. So showing a little bit of creativity and making your project unique can set you apart from others.
