Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Goals for 2014-2015

The start of each school year marks the opportunity for me to  set goals for the upcoming school year. Unlike my New Year's resolutions, I tend to do a better job of working towards these. Of course, sharing my goals with anyone who comes across my blog and those I work with definitely ups the ante and increases accountability. So here are my goals for the 2014-2015 school year. 
Every day I will help make a colleague better. 
  • I will perform at least 750 observations and provide teachers with timely feedback
  • I will schedule a weekly visit with each teacher on the comprehensive cycle to provide feedback and to discuss 
  • Each Cougar Communication will have an instructional element, and I'll make more use of visuals, images, videos, etc.
  • In person feedback will be provided whenever a negative is witnessed during an observation 
  • I will work with each teacher to develop their own professional learning plans 
I will work with struggling students to improve their academic performance 
  • Meet with parents, students, counselors and teachers on a regular basis for those students who are most at risk 
  • Require teachers to monitor students' academic progress and communicate that progress to me 
  • Expand the use of RTI procedures  
I will hand write at least 3 thank you/job well done notes each week 

I will create relationships based on respect, trust and mutual understanding. I will support and engage those with whom I work and always act with the utmost integrity. I will listen and learn. 
  • I will attend all departmental meetings 
  • I will meet weekly with department chairs 
  • I will be visible before and after school 
I will communicate and engage parents, students and the community on school issues. 
  • I will blog on Cougar Chat at least once per week 
  • Our Remind account will have at least 600 people sign-up
  • Kettle Run News (Twitter) will finish the year with at least 800 followers
  • Principal Forums will be streamed live
  • I will work with faculty to ensure that BlackBoard Learn is implemented and used as described 
  • On 75% of Friday, I will complete my Friday Five 
  • I will explore use of other social media sites to enhance our digital footprint
I will work with Professional Development/School Improvement Team to improve instruction and learning.
  • I will work with our School Improvement Team to provide relevant, meaningful, purposeful and engaging professional development opportunities for ALL faculty 
  • Our  professional development will be teacher-driven, student-centered, and choice-based.
  • Professional development opportunities will be offered online 
  • I will lead at least 3 professional development sessions including one on Standards-Based Grading and one on Restorative Justice. 
We will expand our use of Restorative Practices 

Every day I will make myself a better leader by reading, learning from my Twitter PLN, asking questions and LISTENING.  After all it's all about RELATIONSHIPS. 



  1. I love that your goals are written in a way that make them measurable. You have given me a clear model, and I have learned from this post. I will be following your lead as I write my Professional Learning Plan. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks! By posting my goals online and making them measurable I hope my peers will respect them and it'll add a level of self-accountability.

  2. I like that you support professional development based on teacher's interests and student's needs. Maybe using an EdCamp or flipped PD model would be helpful. It's great that you are setting out goals in multiple areas! Best Wishes!
    -Jennifer #2 from your tribe

    1. We've used the edcamp model for PD with great success! Unfortunately, our county developed a new schedule which took away our PD day, so we decided to curtail our edcamp PD, but choice will continue to be at the forefront of our PD and we may use bits and pieces of edcamp here and there.

  3. Wow! You have set high standards and lofty goals for yourself. If I could do half of that, I would be very pleased. Could you incorporate the unconference (edcamp model) into your professional learning on RJ or assessment?

  4. Thank you for sharing your goals! You have set out quite an ambitious path for a successful school year! What a great way to inspire others, and yourself! Best wishes on a great year!

    1. Thanks Greg! I believe my goals are lofty but attainable. I'll re-evaluate each of them in January.

  5. I want to thank you for this blog post. You are a great virtual mentor for me and I am going to strive to serve others in the same inspirational way that you model! Though as a new AP will not reach half of these excellent standards, but I will try!! Thank you so much. Do you mind if I borrow the positive referral idea?

    1. Thank you! I've only been an AP for 3 (entering 4) years; it's amazing how much I've grown and improved in such a short period of time. Obviously, reflection is vital to my own growth, but Twitter, blogging, etc. have also been significant.

  6. You have set such valuable goals with a great action plan! I love the perspective of helping to make a colleague better every day...I am carrying that with me into my new school year!
