Inspired by Angela Maier’s posting on 12 Things Kids Wantfrom Their Teachers and her participation in a recent #ptchat
, I decided to see what students at my high school want from their teachers.
So over the course of several lunch periods, I went from
table-to-table, asking, “What qualities do you look for in the best teachers?
The best teachers (blank)…”
While my methodology will cause my college statistics
professor to cringe, the students were remarkably honest. I interviewed about
200 students and fewer than 5 answered “no work” or “allows us to sleep in
class.” The answers reaffirmed that students really do want to learn and be
challenged. Not surprisingly, the answers didn’t differ much from Angela’s list
To the best of my abilities I grouped the answers together
and they are listed by frequency of response.
We want teachers who
make class engaging, interesting, captivating and fun.
This was the run-away winner with more than the next three
responses combined.
Students used words like variety,
creative, hands on, participation, fun, and real to describe
the best lessons.
I want the subject to
connect to my life.
I like the classes
where we (students and teachers) are equals and share the responsibility for
Allow us to
participate in the learning.
Make the class fun.
Allow us to move around and be active.
I like the classes
where we play games that help us learn.
Let us use technology.
We want teachers who
are chill and lenient
I was initially surprised by how many students used the word
“chill” to describe their best teachers and I initially discounted the answer
wrongly assuming that students meant teachers who allow them to sleep in class,
don’t have high expectations, or are easy. After hearing chill mentioned several times by several different students, I
pressed the students further for what they meant.
Teachers need to
realize that we have our own lives and their class is not the only one we take.
Like, if we can’t
complete a homework assignment for a good reason, the teacher should understand
and not just give us a zero.
Ms. XYZ looks at her
tests and if a bunch of students miss the same question, she doesn’t count it
against us. She teaches it again. I wish all teachers did this.
Chill teachers work
with us
We want teachers who
are enthusiastic.
While this answer definitely correlates to the top answer,
it seemed as if students were referring as much to the teacher’s personality as
they were to the lesson.
Students used words like passionate,
energetic, exciting and committed to describe enthusiastic teachers.
We can tell when a
teacher doesn’t want to be here.
Teachers who love
their subject.
Ms. XYZ meets us at
the door with a smile. She’s excited to see us and teach us.
We want teachers who
relate to us
This differed from relating the subject to the students’
lives and instead focused on the relationship between students and teachers.
Understand who we are
Ask about me
Teachers who take the
time to get to know who I am
We want teachers who
make sure we learn
Students used words like helpful,
clear, and feedback.
Teachers need to be
Show us, take the time
to explain and if necessary re-explain.
Make sure we get it
before moving on.
Let us know how we’re
Wants us to do well
and is willing to make sure we do well
Work with us
We want teachers who
are respectful
Students referred to respectful teachers as those who listen, care, communicate, positive,
approachable and nice.
We want teachers who
are knowledgeable of the subject matter.
Teachers who have the
knowledge bring the subject alive.
Ms. XYZ can explain it
so well because she is so knowledgeable.
Ms. XYZ knows [her
subject] inside-out
Several of the students who answered this answered it
negatively, referring to teachers who do NOT know their subject matter. This
answer surprised me. I guess I was naïve. 8 students mentioned it, so it’s not
an insignificant number. I pressed the students on this one a little—without
wanting to know whom the teachers were.
You can tell when they
don’t know because they can’t answer your questions and they just read from
their textbook.
She always is
correcting herself the next day.
Other answers mentioned
by more than 4 students:
Stays focused
Admits their faults
Values our time
Good class management
We want teachers who
don’t lecture.
Several students also answered with what the best teachers
don’t do: lecture. As a matter of fact, avoid excessive lecturing would have
been the 3rd ranked answer. While the students recognized the role
of direct instruction in learning, they differentiated between the good and the
Teachers can lecture,
but they can’t lecture for the entire class (our classes our 90 minutes) and
expect us to learn.
We want to be taught.
Don’t just worksheet and read off of a PowerPoint.
The worst is when a
teacher just uses a pre-made PowerPoint.
Teacher X lectures a
lot, but she involves us in the lecture. It’s lively and she uses lots of
stories. She makes it real.
I hate the
cookie-cutter lessons. Lecture, worksheet, read from the book, answer questions
from the book. Repeat.
What would you add to the list?